

A poem is an arrangement of words containing meaning and musicality. Most poems take the form of a series of lines separated into groups called stanzas. A poem can be rhyming or nonrhyming, with a regular meter or a free flow of polyrhythms. There is debate over how a poem should be defined, but there is little doubt about its ability to set a mood.
A poem is identifiable by its literary and musical elements. For example, metaphor and alliteration are common in many poems. Another hallmark of a poem is its brevity, or ability to say much in few words. This requires layered meaning, as in the use of symbolism. A common example of symbolism is the bald eagle, which is a bird, but in the United States also represents the nation as a whole.


The importance of English Grammar

Nowadays, it seems to me that the structures of English grammar have changed. Academically speaking, certain expressions or sentence structures which were considered wrong in the past are now pleasantly accepted as correct by many experts of English. For example, it was wrong to say: " Everybody played their role ( they) in the past, but now it is grammatically acceptable. Even now, the use of " due to " to begin a sentence is widely used ( even in the UK, Australia, N.Z, US, West Indies, Malta, India, Singapore, Ireland, Pakistan ).
 Another obvious structure is the mixture of British and American English structures in written English. e.g. the use of "color", program, " accommodations " ( American English ).

My concern is : If this mixture were to exist in the next 100 years, I 'm afraid that learners of English might be exposed to confusion to see which structure is better than the other. Furthermore, the grammatically-acceptable sentences may not play a pivotal role in modern writing.I can see this scenario even in academic writing or journal.
grammar is still important. Sentence construction, as we know it, relies on grammar to make it comprehensible.

However, with the growing trend towards text-speak and chat-speak, it is inevitable that English will undergo changes in the next 100 years, just as it has since earliest times.

"I will see you later on."

"c u l8r"

Thank goodness we have records of the works of such writers as Chaucer and Shakespeare, together with the classical poets. Their writing is unsurpassed and has delighted millions of people.

What the poetry of the future will be like I can't imagine. Maybe if I get to Heaven I'll be able to hear it. I hope so.
I do not whether there will be a correct English for the world in the future.
English has undergone three transitional periods : Old English ; Middle English and Modern English. The varied English structures now are the results of science and technology.
Grammar is important because it is the language that makes it possible for us to talk about language. Grammar names the types of words and word groups that make up sentences not only in English but in any language. As human beings, we can put sentences together even as children--we can all do grammar. But to be able to talk about how sentences are built, about the types of words and word groups that make up sentences--that is knowing about grammar. And knowing about grammar offers a window into the human mind and into our amazingly complex mental capacity.  People associate grammar with errors and correctness. But knowing about grammar also helps us understand what makes sentences and paragraphs clear and interesting and precise. Grammar can be part of literature discussions, when we and our students closely read the sentences in poetry and stories. And knowing about grammar means finding out that all languages and all dialects follow grammatical patterns. Imagine that: a document prepared by a committee (NCTE's Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar) that doesn't sound like a committee. The voice, in fact, belongs to Brock Haussamen, professor of English at Raritan Valley Community College of New Jersey. And whether or not you teach English for a living, the full report.
We learn basic grammar when we start to put sentences together as children. But, the actual ‘knowing’ of grammar is much more complex. Grammar teaches us how to build sentences, about the types of words that we use and when we should use them. Grammar also tells us what type of word we are using in any particular sentence.
There are lots of different aspects to English grammar, and each is as important as the last. It is English grammar that will allow you to be a better communicator, listener, thinker, reader and writer. Having a knowledgeable understanding of grammar will let you have a potentially rewarding career in many fields of work.
From the explanation above, we can conclude that English Grammar is very important. As the English learners, we must study about it. There are so  many website that explain about it. Free Online English is one of the best websites that give so many explanations about English grammar.
READ MORE - The importance of English Grammar


Is English important?

English is one of the most important languages in the world. It can even be said o be the single most important language. Yes, other languages are important too, but not for the same reasons as English is important. English is important because it is, maybe, the only language that truly links the whole world together. If not for English, the whole world may not be as united as it is today. The other languages may be important for their local values and culture.
English language is considered to be a general language and everybody understands its significance. An individual who is excellent in spoken and written English acquire more opportunities than the other people. Majority of the organizations and companies look for this kind of candidates. Therefore it’s really significant to improve English skills since it’s never too late.
English can be used as a language in any part of the world. This is because at least a few people in each locality would know the language. Though these people might not have the same accent as others, the language at least will be understandable. There are various reasons for the importance of English language. They are listed below.

1. Travel: When a person travels to another part of the world either for the sake of business or even as a tourist, the languages may differ. In these conditions, English is the language that helps people to deal with the situation. It is like a universal language.

2. Same country: In countries like India, where the land is so vast with people of various cultures live, the languages of each part of the country also differ. Under the circumstances, English can be the only link as people in each place will not be able to learn all the other languages to communicate with the people. English bridges this gap and connects the people.

3. Education / Studies: The presence of English as a universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. Education has increased the role of English. People who go to another country to study can only have English as their medium of study. This is because the individual will not be able to learn a subject in the local language of the country. This again reinforces the fact that English language is very important.

4. Correspondence: All correspondences between offices in different countries and also between political leaders of various countries is in English. This linking factor also tells of the importance of English language.

5. Internet: In spite of the growth of Internet in various languages, English is the mainstay of the Internet users. This is the language in which most of the information and websites are available. It is very difficult to translate each and every relevant webpage into the language of various countries. With Internet becoming very important in E commerce and also in education, English language is bound to grow. Thus the importance of English as a language is emphasized.

The future of English as a language is very secure. In this era of consolidation and trying to unify various aspects of life, it will not be long before English can be made as a single language of the world like the single currency and the union of various nations.
There are so many aspects that must be mastered if we want to have a good English ability, for example the English Grammar and the other things. There are many institutions that offer English courses and many English related courses are growing in every corner of the globe. It has really turned out to be easier to be enrolled in these programs and get more knowledge on English language. In fact, there are numerous courses coming up that helps in enhancing the grammar, the process of writing. Currently, all the multinational organizations look for individuals who are fluent in spoken English and have good grip on the language. However speaking only isn’t sufficient in the employment field.
These days a lot of new English programs are increasing its rate all over the state. These courses are simple to be tracked and could be taken up as side course together with the major course. This means it is simple to develop English skills. One more way is to read news papers and magazines. A lot of newspapers make use of very plain yet good English that is easy to understand and the significances are as well not very hard to comprehend. There are also so many online English course where people can study English online free. For example is in Free Online English website. In this site, people can find so many nice English articles and learn them.
Enhancing your English skill isn’t a very hard job if a few methods are followed correctly. This is an essential words and knowing its value a lot of people are taking up numerous English courses to develop their English skills.

READ MORE - Is English important?


Hard Decision

I was born in one of islands in Indonesia. My family is not the have. My parents do not have a lot of money to educate me until university. I really want to  continue my study, but because of this conditon, after finishing my senior high school, I decided to get a job. I got a job. In 2005, I knew a nice, pretty, and kind woman. I love her, and She loves me too.
We promised to live together. I think she is almost perfect woman, but she has a hard disease. It disturbs her to do eveerything. she cannot cook by her self, and do hard thing by herself. In  2007, I decided to continue my study, at the time I was 27 years old. In the same year, my girl friend asked me to marry her. I can not answer her request at the time. I had 2 hard choices, the first, I really want to continue my study, The second, I really want to marry her because I love her.
In my mind, at the time, there were so many things that made me confuse. I think, if I continued my study and got marry with her, I cannot focus on my study, beside that, I have to work, study and must be as a husband. It is hard for me, because of her disease, she cannot do everyhardthings by herself. ofcourse, I have to wash the clothes, wash the dishes to help her....  if I chose to study and marry her, i cannot imagine how hard is my life.
because of that consideration, i decided to continue my study and not to marry her. I was sad at the time, because I made her disappointed, I cannot keep my love, I cannot do my promise for her.
And now...I have finished my study....in economy, my life is better than before, I have a good job...but...until now I haven't found a woman who wants to marry me. I have been looking for a woman and trying to do so many ways to find a woman who loves me and wants to marry. I don't know why it is hard for me to find a woman who wants to marry me...yeah..may be it is one of the punishment for me because I couldn't do my promise to marry my exgirl friend.
Or may be the decision that i made at the time is false, so it gives bad effect for me now.
hmmmmmm this is a bad stories in my life....
READ MORE - Hard Decision


Definiiton of Technology

The word technology comes from Greek technología ; from téchnē,  meaning "art, skill, craft", and  logia  meaning "study of-". The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include construction technology, medical technology, and information technology.

Throughout the twentieth century the uses of the term have increased to the point where it now encompasses a number of classes of technology; Technology as objects (tools, machines, instruments, weapons, appliances-the physical devices of technical performance), technology as knowledge (the know how behind technological innovation), technology as activities (what people do-their skills, methods, procedures, routines), technology as a process (begins with need and ends with a solution), technology as a sociotechnical system (The manufacture adn use of objects involving people and other objects in combinations).

There is certainly a relationship between technology and scince, there is, except in certain high technology industries, very little technology that could be classified as applied science. Technology is marked by different purpose, different processes a different relationships to established  knowledge and a particular relationship to specific contexts of activity. Change in the material environment is the explicit purpose of technology, and not, as is the case with science, the understanding of nature, accordingly its solutions are not right or wrong, verifiable or falsifiable, but more or less effective from different points of view.

At the centre of technology lies design. That "design is the very core of engineering" is affirmed by the requirement that all degree engineering courses should embody it. The design process in technology is a sequential process which begin with the perception of need, continues with the formulation of a specification, the generation of ideas and a final solution, and ends with an evaluation of the solution.

The motivating factor behind all thechnological activity is the desire to fulfill a need. For this reason all designs shoul be made or realised whether that be through prototype , batch- or mass-production or some form of three dimensional or computer model, if the need is to be truly fulfilled, the design is to be legitimately evaluated, and the design activity is to have been purposeful and worthwhile.

Technology is informed by values at every point. Value decisions may be called for not only in relation to the specific design criteria (i.e. aesthetic, ergonomic and aconomic judgements, suitability for purpose and ease of manufature) but also in relation to the rightness or wrongness of a particular solution in etnical terms.

There are some technological systems, they are manufacturing systems, construction systems, communication systems, and transportation systems.

READ MORE - Definiiton of Technology


The Brief History of Old English Period

(From the earliest times to the Norman Conquest: 1066)

The first people inhabiting England of which there are historical records are the Britons, who were a Celtic race, in 55/54 B.C. The romance came, but their first invasion was not permanently successful. About a century later (43-50 A.D) Britain became a Roman Province. The country became more civilized in consequence, agriculture and trade flourished. Cities were built and road constructed, but in the year 410 the Roman region were called back to defend Italy against the Goths. The Britons, who had learnt to rely on the Roman soldiers to defend themselves against the barbaric inhabitants of the North, now resolved to call the help of certain Germanic tribes from beyond the sea, who had been pillaging round teh southern coast. These races became the ancestor of the English people, their language, generally designated as Old English or Anglo Saxon, ultimately became the English Language.

The first important event in the history of the new inhabitants of England was the introduction of Christianity, which took place during the first half of the 7th century. Monasteries sprang up every where and became centres of learning. For a time the civilizing influence of the Church threatened to be arrested by the incasion of the Danes, but the worst was prevented by the geniu og King Albert the Great. (871-901). After his death, however teh influence of the Danes again became stronger, and the country seldom at rest.

A foundation stone of English history is the Anglo Saxon Chronicle. The Chronicle gives the events of English history from the Roman invasion of Britain in 54 B.C. to the middle of 12th century. It was begun by Albert, or under his direction, although it included some still earlier chronicles.  The king alsoo made or directed the translation from Latin to Old English of many important religious, philosohical, and historical books from Europe. These translations did much to advance learning in the kingdom.
READ MORE - The Brief History of Old English Period

An Introduction to English Literature

English literature had its beginning with works written in about the 6th century . There early works were written in a language that few today would recognize as English, called Old English or Anglo Saxon, it was the language of England for long time before the Norman Conquest in A.D. 1066 and for some 100 years afterward.

Gradually, Old English changed into Middle English, the langauge in which Chaucer's works are written. Middle English i, too, different from modern English. Yet in it one finds many of the elements of the English Language as it is now written and spoken.

By the time of Queen Elizabeth I's reign (1558-1603), English was spoken and written basiccally as it is today. In all the centuries since, the English language has uundergone gradual changes.
READ MORE - An Introduction to English Literature